Bree’s Blog
Fat Liberation Resources
Fat liberation resources gathered from fat folx for fat folx from our monthly Fat Fridays Virtual Social Club
5 Summer Items for Fat Folks
A community-sourced list of items for fat folx that are perfect for those hot and sweaty summer days (and maybe even beyond!)
Easy Elemental Magick For Fat Liberation and Beyond
Inspired by the 4th annual Fat Liberation Month, I share how to work with the 4 elements in ways that make magick more accessible in our daily lives—for fat liberation and beyond!
Bathroom Tips for Fat Folx From Fat Folx
Participants of our Fat AF! Peer Support Space offer tips for the less glamorous things we do in the bathroom, all based on their own experience.
How to Talk to Kids About Fat: 6 Books for Kids & Parents
A community-sourced list of books for kids and parents on fostering loving relationships with all bodies.
Community Sourced Accessibility Resources
From mobility to mental health to gender—we had lots to share at our accessibility-themed Fat Friday! Everything gathered in this post came from community members of our fat affinity space.
Fat Liberation: A Lifelong Investment
This started as a PSA about taking glamour shots, and ended as a testament to the long, long, loooooong journey that is the experience of a fat person seeking fat liberation. Spoiler alert: The journey never ends!
I Used My Rollator for the First Time and Was Met With Ableist Bullshit
I took my rollator to see John Waters and some ass hole yelled at me. This is what I learned.
Beach Tips for Folx with Lupus
I was devastated when I learned that sun and heat are lupus triggers for me. A year later, I’ve figured out how to mitigate those triggers so I can still enjoy my love of floating in salt water and sand between my toes.
How to Advocate for Accessible Seating
Participants of our Fat AF! Peer Support Space offers tips for advocating for accessible seating based on their own experience. (Spoiler alert: I’ve tried them and they totally work!)
Lupus Awareness Month: Navigating Medical Fatphobia
I’ve been to 59 medical appointments in the last year. This is what I’ve learned about navigating medical fatphobia.
Lupus Awareness Month: Living Through COVID
Wearing a mask is not an option—it’s mandatory when your immune system is fucked.
(Taking Up) Space!
From our favorite heavenly bodies to our experiences taking up space, we had lots to share at our space-themed Fat Friday!
Plants & Nature (From Fat Fridays!)
We had a blast at our fat foliage-themed Fat Friday, sharing about fatness in nature, gardening tips, and more!
Gender is Over (for Me) + a Playlist!
Musings about unpacking internalized misogyny and embracing gender neutrality in all the things!
Skincare Tips for Fat Folx From Fat Folx
From skincare routines to mitigating chub rub, our Fat AF! group has a bunch of suggestions for tending to our skin.
All That We Love (From Fat Fridays!)
We had a blast at our fat love-themed Fat Friday, sharing about music we love, TV we love, books we love, self love, people we love, and more!
4 Custom Size Inclusive Clothing Resources
Gathered by friends during our clothing-themed Fat Fridays Virtual Social Club, this list includes custom clothing providers, including gender affirming resources.
Air Travel Tips for Fat Folx from Fat Folx
From seat belt extenders to air line policies, here are 5 tips for air travel—for fat folx, from fat folx.