Fat Liberation Month Magick!
In celebration of the 3rd annual Fat Liberation Month, Bree shared about the numerology of the 3, how we can intentionally incorporate it into everyday life, and how we can utilize it with the super simple magick of affirmations.
Tamra Talks!
Bree chats with Tamra from NAAFA about their history of fat activism, the importance of affinity spaces big and small, and how Fat Fridays Virtual Social Club became a staple of our community!
Love handles All!
Nyemade from the All Go app interviews Bree and their partner, Daniel, about how they met, being responsible for our own healing journeys, and connecting with one another through conflicting neurodivergency needs.
Fat Joy Podcast!
In Episode 8 of Fat Joy, Bree talks about advocacy, fat liberation, and Sophia gets an UNO tarot card reading live. Bree also shares how having bipolar and being non-binary has helped them come to a higher place of acceptance of themselves and others.
Tree of Stars interview!
Jessica from Tree of Stars interviewed Bree about their experiences with mental health and addiction recovery, plus the self-care strategies that work for them. Tree of Stars is an organization that promotes mental health awareness and addictions recovery through storytelling, music, and art.
Community candle magick & tarot!
In celebration of NAAFA’s 2nd annual Fat Liberation Month, Bree facilitated live community candle magick with the group’s intentions for fat liberation. They also explained how to use Uno cards for tarot readings, and conducted mini tarot readings post-recording.
Intersections of Fat Identity & the Gender Spectrum!
NAAFA presents this LGBT2QIA+ Pride Special Edition Webinar where we explore how our experiences as fat folx have impacted our gender identities and vice versa. Featuring Andy Duran, Bree, Kae Gabrielle, and Lenore.
Fat Magick & Tarot!
In celebration of NAAFA’s Fat Liberation Month, Bree facilitated live community cauldron magick with the group’s intentions for fat liberation. They also explained how to use Uno cards for tarot readings.
The Big Fat Gay Podcast!
Bree to shares their sex toy expertise for beginners, as well as specific items and techniques for fat accessibility. They also played a game about sex toy history! Listen to episode 54 “Bummers and Bees” anywhere you get your podcasts.