Easy Magick: Affirmations 101

I find that the use of affirmations gets suggested in self-care and mental health dialogues, but did you know that they’re just as effective as a tool for magick? Essentially, affirmations are a direct act of firmly setting intentions—and they’re super simple and easy to engage! 

Ways to Use Affirmations

We can use affirmations for any reason/intention and we can engage them in a variety of ways. Here are a few ways to work with affirmations in combination with magick: 

  • Say or thing them to yourself

  • Write them down in a daily journal 

  • Write them on a piece of paper and place it in a space that you frequent, or that makes sense for the particular affirmation 

  • Write on a whiteboard or mirror (with a dry erase marker!) 

  • Add to your phone’s calendar with an alert 

  • Write on your skin 

  • Incorporate into an art piece 

  • Listen to music that represents your affirmation(s) 

  • Carve into a candle

  • Write on paper and burn

  • Write on paper and add to your altar or a spell jar

I find that incorporating affirmations into my routine helps me utilize them more consistently. Consider using them first thing in the morning, or any other time that makes sense for you. (The phone alert really helps!) 

Combining Affirmations with Numerology

I also enjoy working with repetition when engaging affirmations. I tend to choose a number that relates to the affirmation, usually based on the numerology of tarot. For example, if I’m working with affirmations to manifest prosperity, I’ll repeat the affirmation eight times, since eight represents abundance and infinity. 

Here are some of the meanings, as I understand them, for the numbers one through ten: 

  • One: Newness, planting seeds, rebirth

  • Two: Partnership, duality, balance 

  • Three: Seeing the bigger picture, development, taking our time (don’t run before we can walk), optimism 

  • Four: Foundation, stability, analysis, planning, productivity 

  • Five: Change, movement, high energy

  • Six: Self-care, social responsibility, cooperation

  • Seven: Spirituality, rigorous honesty, inner knowing 

  • Eight: Abundance, infinity, stepping into our power, confidence and security in our abilities 

  • Nine: Endings, wisdom, integration, completion 

  • Ten: Transformation, transition, in flux, preparing to “level up”

Choosing Intentions for Affirmations

Here are some topics/intentions that I’ve personally utilized affirmations for (with success!), but as always, feel free to incorporate this practice for whatever reason you seek support. 

  • Receiving abundance 

  • Manifesting prosperity 

  • Fat acceptance/body image 

  • Self-acceptance

  • Healing trauma 

  • Reconditioning unhelpful thinking 

  • Creativity 

  • Reaching goals 

Looking for spiritual support? 

Check out my sliding scale peer counseling, consultation, tarot reading, and mix-and-match services. You can also find some free resources on my YouTube


The Veil Isn’t Thinner… It’s Your View That’s Wider!


Easy Magick for October's Elements