Easy Magick for October's Elements

Our daily lives are complex enough, and our spiritual practices are meant to support us—not add another chore to our to-do lists. Magick doesn’t need to be hard. In fact, magick is everywhere! And there are countless ways to gently engage it in our everyday lives. Here are some simple ways to incorporate magick in our everyday lives while engaging the elements of October’s zodiac signs.

Libra | Element: Air

  • Breath work: Choose a number that represents your intention/goal. State your intention/goal, then slowly inhale/exhale for that many seconds, and repeat that many times.

  • Create a mobile: A perfect way to engage air and creativity. Place images and/or symbols of your intentions/goals.

  • Collect feathers & leaves: Place them on your altar, mobile, vision board, or a space that represents your intention/goal.

  • Candles: A great choice when tools are limited, as they represent all 4 elements.

Scorpio | Element: Water

  • Drinking water: Add fruits and herbs to water that represent your intention/goal.

  • Drinks and soups: Stir clockwise for manifestation. Stir counterclockwise for banishing/cleansing.

  • Bathing: Set intentions during your regular bathing routing. Bonus: Add essential oils, water-safe crystals, or shower steamers.

  • Bodies of water: Visit the ocean, lake, stream, pond, etc. Ask for your intentions/goals to be met. Bonus: Collect water or other related elements for magickal use.

More Magick Tips

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