Mix and Match SERVICES

$30-$150 per hour

Own your time with any Combination of services!

How it WOrks

What to Expect

  • Each session begins with a shared grounding breath.

  • You choose how we split your time between your chosen services.

  • Session documentation is provided when requested.

    • Session documents highlight your goals, identified strengths, and feedback. They also includes quotes of note—right from your mouth—to remind you just how much you already know. Collaborative plans, resources, and UNO tarot readings are also included (when applicable).

    • Documents are shared via Google Docs to maintain privacy.

    • Please note: If you choose to receive session documentation, I will be typing throughout our time together.

  • All sessions are conducted via Zoom and last an entire 60-minute hour.

  • Scheduling is up to you. We can talk once a week, once a month, once a season, or just once!


While I’m down to talk about whatever you wanna talk about, I’ve got a variety of experiences and expertise that folx tend to reach out to me about: 

  • Mental health

  • Self-care

  • Fat liberation

  • Body image

  • Sex education

  • Sex toy education

  • Dating

  • Relationships (of all types)

  • Gender identity

  • Sexual identity

  • Death

  • Grief


While do I have a master’s degree in psychology, I chose not to become a licensed practitioner. Therefore, I am not a mandated reporter and do not work with the police. For those interested in working with me beyond a single session, please be prepared to collaborate on an emergency safety plan including two emergency contacts.