The Veil Isn’t Thinner… It’s Your View That’s Wider!

Hey everyone! My name is Bree, my pronouns are they/them, and today I’m here to help by letting you in on a little secret. 

You know how people are always like, “The veil is thinner on Halloween! OoOoOo, time to talk to dead people now that it’s ooky spooky season!”

Well, I’m here to tell you that… it’s not. 

The veil is not thinner just because a particular calendar tells us that it’s a particular day. If anything, it’s the collective acknowledgement and open mindedness about spirit communication that makes it feel easier to engage. It’s not the veil that’s thinner—it’s actually your perspective that that’s wider! And honestly, that’s all it takes to talk to dead people! All you need to do is be open and willing for those communications to occur. 

So, really, the “veil” can be as thin as you want it to be, on any day that you want it to be. All you gotta do is believe! (And then start talking to the dead, of course.) 

Spirit Magick

If you’re into making magick to help facilitate spirit communication, here are a few things you could try: 

  • Frankincense - It’s widely accepted that frankincense encourages spirit communication.

    • Add frankincense oil to a candle. 

    • Create a spray or topical with frankincense oil. 

    • Use frankincense resin as an offering. 

  • Offerings - Create a space devoted to who you’d like to communicate with. 

    • This can be on your altar or wherever you’re conducting the communication. 

    • Include elements that foster the communication, like the frankincense above. If there are other herbs or elements that resonate with you for this purpose—use ‘em! 

    • Including offerings with a personal touch can help elevate the energy of whom you’re communicating with. 

      • For example, when I communicate with my dead cat, I utilize his old collar, a jar of water from his last water bowl, and his urn adorned with one of his bow ties. 

  • Tarot - Use this or any divination tool to facilitate your conversation. 

    • I like this route when I’m feeling too “heady” and don’t trust my judgment. I don’t have to overthink the communication because the cards tell me what I need to hear. 

    • Set the intention for your reading as a form of spirit communication. Be specific about who you want to speak with. Ensure that you’re only interacting with who it is you want to be interacting with.

    • As with any magick, set boundaries and protection before and after the reading.

    • Be sure to “close the door” when you’re finished. 

Let’s make magick together!

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