Resources from Fat Fridays November 2022

Each Fat Fridays Virtual Social Club (presented by NAAFA and hosted by me!) involves a themed discussion and game. The following information came from our November 2022 gathering with the theme of the ocean, though our conversation during open social time spanned a variety of topics. This list of resources is a collaborative effort from our group discussions.

Want to join in on the fun? RSVP for our next event here

Beach Mobility Aid

Mobi-Mat - Recommended for beach/ocean accessibility. The Mobi-Mat is a long, rollup wooden surface that can be rolled out across the sand to create a flat surface.


Blackfish - This documentary may be difficult to watch, but is necessary and informative about the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity.

My Octopus Teacher - Described as “an immersive portrait of human–animal understanding.” Currently streaming on Netflix.

Whale Whispering

Michaela Harrison - Calls upon the knowledge of whales by recording whale songs with her own singing. Watch a couple of her Instagram Reels here and here.

Free self-defense Class for Trans & Non-Binary Folx

Feelin’ Safer by Harmony Lee - Physical, mental, and emotional self-defense for trans and non-binary adults.

Intersections of Fat Identity & the Gender Spectrum

A panel discussion of trans, non-binary, and gender nonconforming fat folx. Watch here.

Breath Work

We moved through some breath work as a group during open social time. Here are two suggestions for engaging breath work on your own.

  1. 5/3/5/3 - Inhale slowly to the count of five. Pause at the top of your breath for three seconds. Exhale slowly to the count of five. Pause at the bottom of your breath for three seconds. Repeat three times, or as necessary.

  2. Box breathing - Inhale slowly for 4 seconds. Pause at the top of your breath for 4 seconds. Exhale slowly for 4 seconds. Pause at the bottom of your breath for 4 seconds. Repeat 4 times. (You can change the number of seconds/repetition however you’d like.)

  3. NOTE: However you choose to engage your breath, I find it’s most helpful to inhale and exhale very slowly. Slowing down our breath is one way to help calm our nervous system.

Upcoming Fat-Positive Support Space

Big Fat Hugs is an intimate support space for fat folx only. Facilitated by Bree, each 90-minute session will occur every other week starting in early 2023. The group will be capped at 10 participants. The cost is sliding scale $10-$30 per person, per session. Those who are interested in joining can submit this participation interest form and expect a response for confirmation and scheduling in January.




Easy Self-Care: Tip for Staying Hydrated


UNO Tarot Reading for LGBTQIA+ Folx