How to Identify our Accomplishments

I’m not the biggest fan of New Year’s resolutions, but I do love an opportunity to evaluate and celebrate my accomplishments. Just a few of my 2022 accomplishments as it pertains to my work are:

  • Consistently respected my work/life boundaries

  • Maintained my values and ethics in my work

  • Grew my regular clients by 600%

  • Increased my Instagram followers by 500%

  • Expanded my email list by 700%

  • Created and hosted 12 consecutive Fat Fridays for free

While my numbers may still be small, the progress is measurable and undeniable. I’m very proud of me. 🤓

Life is not all work, though. Some of my accomplishments in the rest of life include:

  • Maintaining weekly FaceTime dates with my best friend

  • Advocating for myself, doing my own research, and tracking my own labs and symptoms while navigating a new diagnosis

  • Playing drums again for the first time in 14 years

  • Maintaining weekly check-ins with my partner

  • Simplifying my spiritual practice while incorporating it into my daily life

If you would like to celebrate your accomplishments, too (which I totally hope you do!!), then here are a few suggestions that I use when identifying my accomplishments:

  • Use numbers (where applicable) to measure progress

  • Evaluate what's important to you and how you tend to that

  • List what you've done that excites you

  • Include joy and wellness, not just productivity

  • Ask a friend to reflect with you

  • Skim your calendar to be reminded of all you've done

The new year isn’t the only time to reflect on our accomplishments. I tend to evaluate all areas of my life on a seasonal basis, but this can truly be done at any time. We are all worth celebrating, and I’m already so proud of you! <3


All About the Moon! From Fat Fridays


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