Fat Folx & Healing at the Beach


I remember a time when I went to the beach fully clothed and covered up, not by choice but out of fear, shame, and resentment. While I found freedom in fat activism 14 years ago, it’s only been since last summer that I’ve gone to the beach in a bikini top.

I say that to say that we’re all allowed however long we need to reach wherever it is we want to be. Our healing and growth has no timeline and there’s no one “right” way to do it. Our goals don’t need to look the same and they may even evolve over time. What matters is that *you* live life on *your* terms, with no comparison to others.

Ever think about working with a fat liberationist emotional or spiritual practitioner? I’ve heard some pretty good things about me! ;) Check out my sliding scale peer counseling, personal consultation, and Uno card tarot reading offerings above, or a book a session meow!


Things NOT to Say to Friends with Chronic Illnesses


Tips for Folx with Bipolar I (From Someone Who Has Bipolar I)