Clothing Tips & Resources for Fat Folx

Each Fat Fridays Virtual Social Club (presented by NAAFA and hosted by me!) involves a themed discussion and game. The following information came from our August 2022 gathering with the theme of clothing. The list of tips, resources, and fat fashion heroes are a collaborative effort from our group discussions.

Want to join in on the fun? RSVP for our next event here

Fat Fashion Tips

  • When trying new clothes for the first time, wear them around your house first. Then, gradually wear them in trusted spaces, like maybe a friend’s house (or during Fat Fridays!), before trying them out in public. 

  • Imbue your clothes and accessories with magick or intention! You can set intentions for different colors, patterns, styles, or really anything! Example: Bree set an intention for the color green, and consciously decorated their Crocs with green charms. 

  • If you’re able to sew, get the pattern for clothes you like that might not fit, and adjust it to fit your own body. 

  • If you see another fat person wearing something you like, ask them where they got it! 

  • Don’t settle! If you don’t 100% like a piece or it doesn’t fit completely right, don’t get it. When we finely curate our clothing, it ensures that we feel great in anything we pick from our closet. 

Fat Clothing Resources

Someone asked for sports bra recommendations for sleep. Suggestions included:

  • Avenue

    • Sign up for their emails, they send a lot of coupons! 

    • Limited sizing up to size 26

  • DIY bra/sleep top alternative 

    • Cut a t-shirt up the middle and tie it beneath your chest tissue

    • Works as a crop top, too! 

  • Torrid

    • Can sometimes find them on clearance 

    • Good as a top or for sleep, some said not great for movement 

    • Limited sizing up to 6X

  • Trans Tape

    • A custom alternative to binders and bras.

Bonus! Fat Fashion Heroes




Easy Magick: 5 Ways to Incorporate Intentional Color in Everyday Life


Self-Care Tip for Gender-Affirming Clothes